On Background Briefing with Ian Masters, we explore what we as individuals can do to resist and overcome the coming darkness and speak with Stephan Schwartz a scientist, futurist, award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction.
How To Be An Effective Agent of Change Promoting Well-Being in your Life and in the World (THE 8 LAWS OF CHANGE)
Stephan and Longtime Friend and Colleague Duncan Campbell in Co-Creative Dialogue:
How To Be An Effective Agent of Change Promoting Well-Being in your Life and in the World (THE EIGHT LAWS OF CHANGE)
Consciousness, Authoritarianism and Political Violence
Background Briefing with Ian Masters · Consciousness, Authoritarianism and Political Violence
We discuss his latest article at the journal Explore, “Consciousness, authoritarianism, and political violence.”
Garden Views E.75 Devolution US
The United States is in trouble we explore why and talk about possible solutions.
Remote Viewing 2024 and the Future
Stephan talks with Cliff Dunning of Earth Ancients podcast about remote viewing 2024 and beyond
An Exploration of Future Trends We Can Be Thankful For
We explore future trends to find what we might be thankful for and speak with Stephan Schwartz, a scientist, futurist, and award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction.
Stephan Schwartz: Psychic Archaeology

My life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can, and have, affected social change. I’ve done this both as an experimentalist in parapsychology, and by being privileged to have been a part of several major social transformations: civil rights in the 1960s, the transformation of the military from an elitist conscription organization to an all-voluntary meritocracy in the 70s, and citizen diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 80s and 90s. Both the experiences and the research have convinced me that all life is interconnected and interdependent.
6000 Remote Viewers See This! Profound Predictions for Humanity
What happens when you get six thousand remote viewers together to look into the future? That’s just what world-renowned remote viewer and trainer Stephan Schwartz did. First, he took 4000 thousand remote viewers and looked at 2050, THEN he took 6000 and looked at 2060…and what he found will SHOCK you. Prepare to be mind-blown by this look into the future by the very man who discovered Cleopatra’s Palace and Mark Anthony’s Palace, Pompey’s Pillar, and the Pharaoh’s Lighthouse. There’s never been a more accurate remote viewer nor so many brought together.
Maximum Medicine Radio with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific for Healing: Nonlocal healing, therapeutic intention, and more with Stephan A Schwartz.
How can one possibly evoke healing from hundreds or thousands of miles away? How can this occur at another time? How did the indigenous medicine men and women bring about healing? What is a healer accessing? Is intention needed? What occurs out of time and space? Join Doc Martin and Stephan Schwartz (author, researcher, and remote viewer) in discussing these miraculous concepts.
Remote Viewing the Future / Dreaming Techniques
Coast to Coast with George Noory
About the show
In the first half, researcher in non-local consciousness and futurist Stephan Schwartz reported on studies he conducted using remote viewers to look into the future, and the years 2050-2060. From 1978 to 1991, remote viewers correctly predicted such things as the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of terrorism, climate change, and the AIDs epidemic. In the second phase of his study, from 1991 to 1996, participants envisioned the eventual inundation and collapse of American coastal cities. In the most recent sessions of the project, begun in 2018, viewers said that between 2040 and 2045, several very dramatic changes would alter the structure of human culture worldwide.
Schwartz noted it isn’t clear what the dramatic changes of 2040-2045 will be, but two obvious candidates are climate change and the end of the carbon energy era, which is going to have major technological and geopolitical implications. People have largely reorganized into small communities in this future period, he continued, and while the United States still exists, political power has devolved to states and regions, largely divided along red/blue lines. The remote viewers in the most recent phase also saw the rise of what Schwartz called “homo superior,” an advanced stage of the human species developed as a result of CRISPR genetic technologies. He expressed concern over this possible development as it will primarily be an option only for the very wealthy and create an additional level of inequity in society. For more, view Schwartz’s related article.