Remote Viewing the Future / Dreaming Techniques

Jul 21, 2023

Coast to Coast with George Noory

About the show

In the first half, researcher in non-local consciousness and futurist Stephan Schwartz reported on studies he conducted using remote viewers to look into the future, and the years 2050-2060. From 1978 to 1991, remote viewers correctly predicted such things as the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of terrorism, climate change, and the AIDs epidemic. In the second phase of his study, from 1991 to 1996, participants envisioned the eventual inundation and collapse of American coastal cities. In the most recent sessions of the project, begun in 2018, viewers said that between 2040 and 2045, several very dramatic changes would alter the structure of human culture worldwide.

Schwartz noted it isn’t clear what the dramatic changes of 2040-2045 will be, but two obvious candidates are climate change and the end of the carbon energy era, which is going to have major technological and geopolitical implications. People have largely reorganized into small communities in this future period, he continued, and while the United States still exists, political power has devolved to states and regions, largely divided along red/blue lines. The remote viewers in the most recent phase also saw the rise of what Schwartz called “homo superior,” an advanced stage of the human species developed as a result of CRISPR genetic technologies. He expressed concern over this possible development as it will primarily be an option only for the very wealthy and create an additional level of inequity in society. For more, view Schwartz’s related article.

Originally Aired: July 19, 2023
Host: George Noory
Original Link:

Stephan is currently writing the book which will go into great detail about what the Remote Viewers say is coming in the future. If you would like to be notified when the book is published, please just leave your name and email here, and we will notify you when the book is available.

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In my lifelong skepticism regarding remote viewing and anomalous perception, I yield to no one. And yet this extraordinary book… has blasted the skepticism out of my skull.” –Nathaniel Branden, PhD
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