Media Interviews

Beyond Time and Space – SneakPeak

This interview first appeared on on September 26, 2013.

Interview Excerpt:

SneakPEAK: Before we get too far along, talk about remote viewing. How would you describe it to a layman?

Stephan Schwartz: Remote viewing is a protocol which allows you to have an objective measure of a person’s ability to open the nonlocal aspects of their consciousness. People are asked to describe things they can’t possibly know – these objects or people or locations are shielded by either space or time, and this is very specific information. It’s not something like, “Your grandmother loves you.” It’s more like I see a man who is 6-foot 2-inches with red hair and a beard.

When we began in 1968, those of us involved in exploring the power of consciousness started looking at this idea of psychic, which is a word I don’t use and don’t like. What we were doing raised questions about consciousness that suggest it’s not limited by space and time. Can I describe events in the future, or in the past? Can we describe a governmental secret site only select few people know? The denier community always says it’s nonsense, but there are thousands of papers published on the topic and they contradict those deniers. At the end of the day, they don’t have any data and we do. Remote viewing is unique because it has moved outside of the laboratory and become a sort of social movement. What started as a tiny protocol less than 10 scientists were working on in the ‘70s has become an advocated movement with clubs and groups and journals. It has become so successful because anyone can do this – it has almost become a hobby activity.


SP: What do you think of the various descriptors for remote viewing, like “mental yoga” and “mental martial arts?” Are they accurate?

SS: I coined all those terms, and it really is a modern mental martial art. You’re training yourself to have to capacity to hold intentioned focus. That’s why people who meditate are particularly good at this – they can hold focus. Like any human experience, it follows a bell curve, with a select few people on either end who are very gifted, or cannot or will not let themselves try. It takes practice and time, but people can learn.

Read the rest of the interview here – Part 1

Part 2 – Here

Where Are All the Family Doctors?

Healthy Medicine #87: Where Are All the Family Doctors?

Dr Zieve talks with Drs Stephan Schwartz and Dick Thom about America’s critical shortage of family doctors, its causes and possible solutions.

Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. Read more at Dickson Thom DDS ND teaches doctors on both medical principles and proven business principles as a full-time professor, lectures extensively and has written and collaborated on many articles dealing with energy medicines and nutrition. More at




Trends That Affect Your Future and Consciousness Research

The New School presents conversations, readings, and performances with thought and action leaders of our time. We are a community of inquiry in culture, the arts and sciences, health and the environment, and inner life.

Join Michael Lerner for a conversation with Stephan Schwartz, the creator of the free daily on-line Schwartz Report: Trends That Will Affect Your Future. Stephen tracks significant social trends while postulating the reality of non-local consciousness. Integrating tough-minded social trend analysis with a deep knowledge of consciousness research, Schwartz arrives at challenging non-obvious approaches to thinking about social change.

Download the podcast from

Avoiding Apocalypse

Could Humanity Survive Catastrophe? AVOIDING APOCALYPSE Explores the Possibilities.

How will humanity survive in a world that is over-exploited, over-populated, and ravaged by human activity? How would society fare in a catastrophic event like the ones that decimated millions of species in the past? And how will Canada, in particular, be affected? AVOIDING APOCALYPSEoffers answers to these questions, and shows how humankind can survive the threatening dangers. This six-episode series estimates the risk, effects on humanity, and probability of worst-case scenarios; and reveals how science and technology will help society avoid – or at least learn to live with – the worst.

Does Our Intuition Have Limits?

Scientific research for nearly a century show that what we commonly refer to as intuition is a human capacity much greater than we imagined.  Are human perceptions really limitless? Can we really see from a distance?  Is man in a position to foresee future events? Experts developed the “Remote Viewing”  technique to better use our sixth sense – Stephan Schwartz and Alexis Champion reveal unsuspected capacities of consciousness.

View clips here from the INREES Conference with Stephan A. Schwartz and Alexis Champion held March 19, 2013

Exploring the Non-Local & the Power of Therapeutic Intention

Radio host of the Change Your Mind! Transformational Dialogues program, Craig Weiner, DC has the privilege of interviewing Stephan A. Schwartz, one of the acknowledged founders of Remote Viewing, a “modern mental yoga” and a scientific approach to experiencing the nonlocal. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness. He is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Other areas of experimental study include research into creativity, meditation, and Therapeutic Intent/Healing.

This interview can also be downloaded from Blogtalkradio

21st Century Radio Show Interview

Stephan discusses his work in politics, Near Death Experiences and Consciousness with Dr. Zohara M. Hieronimus, DHL

Ian Masters The Founder’s Rhetoric – Pursuing Happiness

Stephan Schwartz, a Senior Fellow at the Samueli Institute and editor of the daily web publication joins us to discuss the extent to which we have successfully pursued happiness given our growing inequality and disparity in wealth, our global record of having the most people incarcerated, the developed world’s most expensive healthcare system that produces the worst results, an epidemic of obesity and a frayed social safety net under attack from billionaires and their political hirelings, who along with the media, are managing to persuade a lot of Americans that their happiness and well-being will be improved if they get less government services for their taxes, while giving the billionaire job creators more tax breaks.

Stephan is currently writing the book which will go into great detail about what the Remote Viewers say is coming in the future. If you would like to be notified when the book is published, please just leave your name and email here, and we will notify you when the book is available.

Nemoseen Media

Nemoseen Media offers you print and electronic media concerning extraordinary human functioning, particularly Remote Viewing. All its materials are based on the latest laboratory research, yet they are presented in a way that is easily understood and can be used by everyone.

Schwartzreport trends that affect your future. Subscribe Today.

Schwartzreport is an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. It also warns readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about fostering wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. Schwartzreport is designed to give you reliable information to help you in that.

In my lifelong skepticism regarding remote viewing and anomalous perception, I yield to no one. And yet this extraordinary book… has blasted the skepticism out of my skull.” –Nathaniel Branden, PhD
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

“Stephan is a true pioneer in consciousness research and teaches you to tap into new abilities that can improve your decision making and transform your life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from him!” –Judith Orloff, M.D.
Positive Energy

The Gold Standard Course

Meditation for Modern Minds

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