Stephan Schwartz delivered a powerful opening talk integrating heart, mind, and spirit at the 1st Annual Thriving Communities Conference, February 2-4.
The Case of ESP – Mobius
Clip from 1983 BBC Documentary “The Case of ESP”
Clip from the film”Wake Up” featuring Stephan
Avoiding Apocalypse
Could Humanity Survive Catastrophe? AVOIDING APOCALYPSE Explores the Possibilities.
How will humanity survive in a world that is over-exploited, over-populated, and ravaged by human activity? How would society fare in a catastrophic event like the ones that decimated millions of species in the past? And how will Canada, in particular, be affected? AVOIDING APOCALYPSEoffers answers to these questions, and shows how humankind can survive the threatening dangers. This six-episode series estimates the risk, effects on humanity, and probability of worst-case scenarios; and reveals how science and technology will help society avoid – or at least learn to live with – the worst.
Does Our Intuition Have Limits?
Scientific research for nearly a century show that what we commonly refer to as intuition is a human capacity much greater than we imagined. Are human perceptions really limitless? Can we really see from a distance? Is man in a position to foresee future events? Experts developed the “Remote Viewing” technique to better use our sixth sense – Stephan Schwartz and Alexis Champion reveal unsuspected capacities of consciousness.
View clips here from the INREES Conference with Stephan A. Schwartz and Alexis Champion held March 19, 2013
Nonlocality and Exceptional Experiences: A Study Of Genius, Religious Epiphany, and The Psychic
[fvplayer src=”″ rtmp=”rtmp://” rtmp_path=”CR12_Stephan_Schwartz.mp4″]
Presented at: The Planetary Collegium’s 12th Annual international Research Conference, Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era.
Stpehan Schwartz on Whidbey Island
Unfortunately is now defunct and these videos are no longer available.
This is Part Two of a talk by Stephan A. Schwartz where he offers a positive vision for Whidbey Island in the 21st Century. The piece on Ben Franklin’s role in American history is fascinating. Will we choose a life-affirming path to a just and sustainable future, or a coercive path to a dystopian state?
Opening to the Infinite with Stephan Schwartz
[fvplayer src=”″ rtmp=”rtmp://” rtmp_path=”Opening-to-the-Infinite.mp4″ splash=”/images/openinfinite.jpg”]
Finding Lost Treasures with Remote Viewing
Is there a “Neutral Seeing” within presence?
As featured on Never Not Here
[fvplayer src=”″ rtmp=”rtmp://” rtmp_path=”ClearSightTV.mp4″]