The Realm of the Will (Interview by Bonnie J. Horrigan, Explore, May 2005)
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Writer, researcher, adventurer, and philosopher Stephan A. Schwartz is a hard person to categorize. He seems to live in parallel worlds, following interests whose connections are often hard for others to understand but which seem clear to him. He is the author of Remote Viewing: The Modern Mental Martial Art; Forgotten Founder: George Mason, and his 18th Century World; Mind Rover: Explorations with Remote Viewing; The Alexandria Project; and The Secret Vaults of Time. Also involved in television and film, he served as the executive producer, writer, or advisor for Reflections on Vatican II, Mobius, Mind Over Matter, Interspecies Communication, Psychic Detectives, Healing, The Alexandria Project, Project Deep Quest, and Conversations at the Smithsonian: Innovation, Technology and the Future, among others. He has written for The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Washington Star, Smithsonian Magazine, American Heritage, Omni, Harpers, The Washingtonian, Venture Inward, and Intuition and has published more than 32 scientific papers in the areas of Remote Viewing, intuition, futurism, creativity, consciousness, therapeutic intent, history and philosophy of science, and geopolitical and strategic analysis. Once a former editorial staffer of The National Geographic and the founding editor-in-chief of Subtle Energies, the journal of the International Society for Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Schwartz currently publishes the daily Schwartzreport, an analysis of trends that will affect the future. It can be read at