Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (Full Text PDF)
Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. Foreword by Larry Dossey, M.D. 325 pages. Illustrations and photographs. Bibliographical references and index. (New World Library: New York, 1998). ISBN: 1-57731-070-5. $24.95 hardcover.
Review by Stephan A. Schwartz
Research Associate Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
“This book is about connecting to the universe and to each other through the use of our psychic abilities.” Russell Targ and Jane Katra conveniently tell us in the first sentence of their first book together exactly what they intend.
All of Targ’s books have been collaborations but, with this one, he seems to have found a truly congenial co-author. Although he is well-known in parapsychological circles, Dr. Katra may not be. She describes herself in her jacket bio as holding “a doctorate in public health education and has been a spiritual healer for more than 20 years. She has taught nutrition and health classes at the University of Oregon, and Therapeutic Touch at Lane Community College.”
They lay the groundwork for their presentation by spending the first half of the book presenting a good overview of the entire remote sensing field and its history, including references to the obscure Upton Sinclair work, described in Mental Radio. Principally, though, the focus is on the government sponsored studies at the SRI parapsychology lab, conducted when Targ was a part of that team, and private work he has conducted subsequently.