Every now and then, cutting-edge science unearths a discovery so important, it promises to forever change the direction of mankind’s collective destiny. Discoveries like electricity, airplanes, penicillin, telephones, and most recently the Internet.
And after 35 years of intense investigation, Stephan Schwartz, one of the world’s leading scientists in non-local awareness, is prepared to add one more item to that list – a breakthrough that unlocks the true potential of the human mind.
But before you understand the power of your mind, think about your perceived limitations. If you’re like 98.4% of the world’s population, you cannot:
- Predict with any degree of certainty what exactly will happen to you or your loved ones one year, one month, one week, one day or even one hour into the future.
- Know what others are thinking of you – and by extension their intentions towards you, whether good or bad.
- Foresee upcoming trends, challenges or happenings, whether on a local, national or global scale.
- A huge majority of people accept these perceived limitations as a natural condition of their minds, and will sum it up with lines like…
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