Les 8 lois à connaître pour réussir le changement

L’un des e?ve?nements les plus marquants de la vie de Stephan Schwartz a e?te? d’assister au fameux discours du re?ve?rend Martin Luther King « I have a dream ». Depuis, il s’est notamment efforce? « de de?tecter des sche?mas et d’apprendre les lois et les dynamiques permettant que des objectifs en apparence impossibles, c’est-a?-dire fixe?s au de?part par une poigne?e de personnes, deviennent re?alite? ». Ce faisant, il est arrive? a? la conclusion que « les transformations sociales positives, non violentes et couronne?es de succe?s, ont certaines caracte?ristiques communes, qui peuvent e?tre apprises », alors que les changements impose?s par la force et la violence sont peu durables. Ces changements positifs, aboutis et durables commencent par un certain nombre d’individus et suivent un processus qui permet d’atteindre un consensus critique. S’appuyant sur son expe?rience en me?me temps que sur des donne?es et des e?tudes scientifiques, Schwartz ne propose pas de recette miracle, mais il est convaincu que les 8 lois qu’il met en e?videnceet autour desquelles s’articulent, selon lui, les changements de notre socie?te?, peuvent permettre a? chacun de devenir « acteur de la transformation individuelle et mondiale ». Trois mots reviennent avec insistance dans son discours, que ce soit dans ses e?crits, en confe?rence ou en interview : compassion, positivite? et bien-e?tre. A? ces trois leitmotivs, il associe deux notions de base : non-violence et « e?trete? ».

Read the full article here

How To Change History – BEFORE It Happens

Interview with Stephan Schwartz — Futurist, Researcher, and Author of “The 8 Laws of Change: How to Be an Agent of Personal and Social Transformation”

“There’s no need to change the world. There is a better way. I say let’s toilet change the world and we’ll never have to change it again.” — Swami Beyondananda

When sane and reverent people look at our current political, ecological “shituation”, it is understandable if they ask, “Is this the hand of God at work – or just the Middle Finger”?

Our guest on Wiki Politiki this week, Stephan A. Schwartz – who has spent a lifetime delving into physical and metaphysical reality – offers a deep perspective on the challenges we face individually, collectively and indeed as a species as we address the key questions for transformation: What’s so? So what? Now what?


How To Change History – BEFORE It Happens

Our guest on Wiki Politiki this week, Stephan A. Schwartz – who has spent a lifetime delving into physical and metaphysical reality – offers a deep perspective on the challenges we face individually, collectively and indeed as a species as we address the key questions for transformation: What’s so? So what? Now what?

Join us for an eye-opening, mind-expanding, heartful conversation that takes us beyond the “deep state” to a deeper state of awareness, and offers a simple and practical pathway for changing the future through our actions now. Along the way we will discuss the surprising secret behind Gandhi’s campaign for Indian independence, a first-hand view of Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, and adventures in the world of remote viewing. (No, that’s not how psychics find their remote when it is buried in the couch pillows.)

Seriously and humorously, this conversation will guide us beyond “baked-in” beliefs toward the “life-affirming integrity” that will help us evolve from children of God to adults of good – and get us through our awkward “addled-essence” phase.

Eight Laws of Change – Coast to Coast

In the first half, researcher in non-local consciousness and futurist Stephan Schwartz spoke about his research into social transformation and how individuals and small groups can change the course of history. He developed eight laws of change that all promote well-being, some taken from the philosophy of the Quakers. These include:

  • The individuals and the group must share a common intention.
  • Though they have goals, the group shouldn’t have cherished outcomes.
  • The individuals and the group must accept that their goal may not be reached in their lifetime, and be OK with this.
  • The group members must accept that they may not get credit for their efforts.
  • Each person in the group must enjoy fundamental equality, even while allowing for hierarchical roles.
  • The individuals must make their private selves consistent with their public postures.

Schwartz discovered that change achieved through violent means tends to have a shorter lifespan than transformations arrived at by consensus or peaceful solutions (like Gandhi). Benjamin Franklin was one of the earliest Americans to practice these type of laws, he said, such as through his creation of micro-lending, and private philanthropy. “When you support well-being,” Schwartz remarked, “you get a social policy which is more efficient, more effective, easier to implement, more productive…and much much cheaper.” Currently, we are in a civilization-threatening crisis, he continued, and if we don’t focus on empowering integrity and connecting with something greater than ourselves, future generations could be in serious trouble.

Improve Your Life With Meditation

Leading health specialist, author, and radio show host, Nancy Gibbons Addison talks with Stephan A Schwartz, a renowned meditation expert, among other scholarly accomplishments. He discusses the ways to implement a realistic and effective meditation in your daily life which can improve your sleep, eating habits, immune system, mental abilities, relationships, physical health, among other things. Incredible benefits anyone can do, anywhere for free.

The Spark: Episode 057 Changing The World with Stephan A. Schwartz

So, you want to change the world? Stephan A. Schwartz, a social change agent and internationally known researcher in the field of extraordinary human functioning, will show you how to do just that. As a scientist, author, and researcher, Stephan has been a major player in leading change through the civil rights movement, in the military transformation of the 1970s, and was also a member of the Secretary of Defense/MIT Discussion Group on Innovation, Technology, and the Future. Most recently, his award-winning book, The 8 Laws of Change, presents two decades of research on how an individual can become an agent of social change. Our conversation with Stephan will empower you to discover your own inner ability to bring more compassion, well-being and positive change to yourself and to our planet.

End of the Road March 2019 Interview

Ep. 65 Stephan A. Schwartz: Non-Local Consciousness/The 8 Laws of Change

In this podcast, we discuss his book “The 8 Laws of Change,” winner of the Nautilus Book Award for Social Transformation, which looks at how notable individuals like Gandhi, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Benjamin Franklin found ways to enact lasting change.  Schwartz also draws from his own experience with the Civil Rights Movement, the U.S. Navy, and work at Esalen Institute.  We also discuss how the diverse fields of medicine, neuroscience, biology and quantum physics describe how these laws of change can be adopted by any individual.

Stephan is currently writing the book which will go into great detail about what the Remote Viewers say is coming in the future. If you would like to be notified when the book is published, please just leave your name and email here, and we will notify you when the book is available.

Nemoseen Media

Nemoseen Media offers you print and electronic media concerning extraordinary human functioning, particularly Remote Viewing. All its materials are based on the latest laboratory research, yet they are presented in a way that is easily understood and can be used by everyone.

Schwartzreport trends that affect your future. Subscribe Today.

Schwartzreport is an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. It also warns readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about fostering wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. Schwartzreport is designed to give you reliable information to help you in that.

In my lifelong skepticism regarding remote viewing and anomalous perception, I yield to no one. And yet this extraordinary book… has blasted the skepticism out of my skull.” –Nathaniel Branden, PhD
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

“Stephan is a true pioneer in consciousness research and teaches you to tap into new abilities that can improve your decision making and transform your life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from him!” –Judith Orloff, M.D.
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