Occupy Radio: The 8 Laws of Change

With the Occupy movement gone from the headlines, more than one pundit has suggested that the whole uprising was nothing more than a fad. For a few months, at the end of 2011, it was fashionable, and hip to occupy public space, and to tempt the wrath of the law. Eventually though, as fads often do, it faded from the cultural consciousness, without enacting meaningful systemic change.

On Occupy Radio, Stephan Schwartz, author of the 8 Laws of Change, tells us that we are still on schedule. Change is coming, but it’s going to take more work, and a shift in our perspective.

Occupy Radio Interview – The War on the Poor

On Occupy Radio, Stephan A. Schwartz from the Schwartz Report tracks the battle-lines in the War on the Poor. What does it mean as states begin denying access to services to those who genuinely need the services?

Water is Destiny


Water Sines Water Symposium Keynote Stephan Schwartz, scientist and author, speaks of water, right intention and how our actions can heal the planet. Presenting the question we should ask ourselves of all our actions; Is this compassionate and life affirming. Find out more at stephanaschwartz.com. Water Sines is an annual event featuring a water healing ceremony involving music, light and performance. Also featuring noted lectors. WaterSines.com

Muscle Testing, Applied Kinesiology and Diagnostic Reliability

Muscle Testing, Applied Kinesiology and Diagnostic Reliability

In this EFT Science Byte, Dr. Craig Weiner reviews an Explore Journal study, with lead author Stephan A. Schwartz, which evaluates the inter-examiner reliability of muscle testing (AK) for determining whether a held substance is toxic or non-toxic.

This study’s conclusion is one that questions the sole use of this technique as a means of making significant health decisions.


A Double-Blind, Randomized Study to Assess the Validity of Applied Kinesiology



Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a diagnostic technique widely used within the Integrative Medical community. In essence, it posits that a question can be mentally held in a person’s mind, sometimes while they are holding a substance like a vitamin, or a food sample, and by measuring relative muscular weakness an answer as to whether the substance or the condition represented by the question is good for that person can be obtained. This AK is presumed to have a diagnostic capability. That being presumed, this study asks the following questions: (1) Is there a difference in muscular strength when an individual holds a substance that is inimical to life processes (a poison solution), as compared to a substance that is essential for life (normal saline)? (2) Is this effect a transaction involving input from both the person being measured and the kinesiologist doing the measurement or is it only the person being measured? (3) As an extension of question 2, is the result the same when different kinesiologists take the measurement or when no kinesiologist is involved? (4) Does belief, expectation, gender, or time cognition play a role in determining response?


To answer these questions, which would help to define the parameters of the AK process, 51 participants were tested during three trials each, first by one kinesiologist, then by another, and finally, with no kinesiologist present by grip strength indicated using a hand dynamometer. Grip strength being a self-administered AK test of relative muscular strength. For each trial, a pair of randomly numbered sealed vials, each pair in a randomly numbered plastic bag, were used as the objects of the trial. In each bag, one vial contained saline solution while the other was filled with a slightly smaller amount of saline solution to which had been added ionic hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH3OH)+, producing a toxic solution of 9?mg/ml. Each trial consisted of a separate muscle test for each vial. All present at the trials were blind as to which vial contained the toxin. And all who prepared the vials were blind to the trials. The force used by the kinesiologists in each of their trials was measured via a pressure pad system. The hand dynamometer trials were conducted with no kinesiologist present.


The data in this study, particularly when seen in the larger context of a review of the literature from the AK field itself by Klinkoski and Leboeuf (1990), which considered 50 papers published between 1981 and 1987 by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, and the survey by Hall, Lewith, Brien, and Little (2008), using standard evaluation criteria [quality assessment tool for studies of diagnostic accuracy included in systematic reviews (QUADAS), Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Studies (STARD), JADAD, and Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT)], for research methodology, as well as six prior non-clinical studies by Radin (1984), Quintanar and Hill (1988), Braud (1989), Arnett et al. (1999), Ludtke (2001), and Kendler and Keating (2003), all together suggest the following: The research published by the Applied Kinesiology field itself is not to be relied upon, and in the experimental studies that do meet accepted standards of science, Applied Kinesiology has not demonstrated that it is a useful or reliable diagnostic tool upon which health decisions can be based.

Access the Full Article on Explore the Journal

Stephan is currently writing the book which will go into great detail about what the Remote Viewers say is coming in the future. If you would like to be notified when the book is published, please just leave your name and email here, and we will notify you when the book is available.

What We Can Be Thankful For and Aspire to Become on Background Briefing with Ian Masters

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Schwartzreport is an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. It also warns readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about fostering wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. Schwartzreport is designed to give you reliable information to help you in that.

In my lifelong skepticism regarding remote viewing and anomalous perception, I yield to no one. And yet this extraordinary book… has blasted the skepticism out of my skull.” –Nathaniel Branden, PhD
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

“Stephan is a true pioneer in consciousness research and teaches you to tap into new abilities that can improve your decision making and transform your life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from him!” –Judith Orloff, M.D.
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